Bad QismatiIntehai Tez AagDhwanci AagJalnaSulagnaGhas Dar Jaga P...Heybat Naak Qab...Aatish ZadgiAafatAziyat Bahra Ta...SharamnakHatk E Aamez BaatSiyasi BadnamiAutar ChadhaoDhamakaDbaoHadsati ChootChootNachakiPhout

آفَت : Aafat Meaning in English

Aafat Sentences

Aafat Synonyms


Aafat in Detail

1 of 5) سانحہ المیہ آفت : Calamity Cataclysm Catastrophe Disaster Tragedy : (noun) an event resulting in great loss and misfortune.

2 of 5) مصیبت بد قسمتی آفت : Adversity Hard Knocks Hardship : (noun) a state of misfortune or affliction.

3 of 5) بد قسمتی حادثہ آفت : Misadventure Mischance Mishap : (noun) an instance of misfortune.

4 of 5) آفت بدقسمتی مصیبت : Bad Luck Mischance Mishap : (noun) an unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate.

5 of 5) آفت : Affliction : (noun) a cause of great suffering and distress.

Useful Words

واقع : Event : something that happens at a given place and time. "The assassination of Benazir Bhutto was a great event, there was a chaos everywhere".

چٹخنے کی آواز : Bang-Up : a sudden sharp noise. "Stop Cracking Your Knuckles".

نقصان : Loss : something that is lost. "What is your loss?".

زوال : Bad Luck : unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate event. "The guy has been facing misfortune since ages, firstly he lost the job then his parents died".

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