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افسوس کا باعث ہونا : Afsos Ka Bais Hona Meaning in English

Afsos Ka Bais Hona Sentences

Afsos Ka Bais Hona in Detail

1) افسوس کا باعث ہونا : Anguish Hurt Pain : (verb) cause emotional anguish or make miserable.


Useful Words

کوفت : Anguish : extreme mental distress. "Anguish of waiting".

قائل کرنا : Cause : cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner. "The induced me for fake collision to obtain money fraudulently from insurance companies".

جذباتی : Emotional : determined or actuated by emotion rather than reason. "She doesn`t like him anymore because he is just an emotional wuss".

ڈزائن کرنا : Do : create or design, often in a certain way. "Do my room in blue".

دکھی : Miserable : very unhappy; full of misery. "Miserable person".

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