MalukiyatKalisaiyatMahareen Ki Huk...Dolat Mndoun Ki...Dolat ShnasiChand Sari HukumatAwami HukumatBadshahai Nizam ESarmaya Dari NizamSanati NizamRiasati Ishtrak...Tijarati NizamIshtraki MaeeshatIshtrakiyat Ka ...Ghair Shakhsi H...Baad NasalAalPudNizam Auroqi

بادشاہی نظامِ : Badshahai Nizam E Meaning in English

Badshahai Nizam E in Detail

1) ملوکیت بادشاہی نظام : Monarchy : (noun) an autocracy governed by a monarch who usually inherits the authority.


Useful Words

اختیار : Authorisation : the power or right to give orders or make decisions. "He has the authority to issue warrants".

شخصی حکومت : Autarchy : a political system governed by a single individual. "A supporter of autocracy".

ورثے میں پانا : Inherit : obtain from someone after their death. "I inherited a castle from my French grandparents".

سلطان : Crowned Head : a nation`s ruler or head of state usually by hereditary right. "A sovereign of Arab".

عام طور پر : Commonly : under normal conditions. "Usually she was late".

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