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بڑا شخص : Bara Shakhs Meaning in English

Bara Shakhs in Detail

1) مقدم بڑا شخص : Senior : (adjective) older; higher in rank; longer in length of tenure or service.


Useful Words

اعلی پائے کا : Higher : advanced in complexity or elaboration. "Higher finance".

طول : Length : the linear extent in space from one end to the other; the longest dimension of something that is fixed in place. "The length of the table was 5 feet".

دیر تک : Longer : for more time. "I get my baby to sleep longer".

بوڑھا : Aged : advanced in years; (`aged` is pronounced as two syllables). "Aged members of the society".

زر خیز : Rank : very fertile; producing profuse growth. "Rank earth".

خدمت گزاری کا عمل : Service : an act of help or assistance. "Any service for me?".

عمر بھر ملازمت پر فائض کرنا : Tenure : give life-time employment to. "The PM never allowed dollar to rise in his tenure".

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