Intehai ThandaNihayat SardSardIntehai GaramNihayat GaramSakhat GaramTapish NaakThora GaramBarfilaBarfaniSakhat SardiSakhat SardThandiJamany WalaBaraf Se AtaBe TapishBaghair Garmi KayBaraf JesaShadeed SardKpkapanay Wala

بَرفیلا : Barfila Meaning in English

Barfila Synonyms


Barfila in Detail

1 of 2) سرد نہایت سرد انتہائی ٹھنڈا : Arctic Frigid Gelid Glacial Icy Polar : (satellite adjective) extremely cold.

2 of 2) برفانی برفیلا برف : Snowy White : (satellite adjective) marked by the presence of snow.

Useful Words

سردی : Cold : no presence of heat. "Cold weather of London".

نہایت : Extremely : to a high degree or extent; favorably or with much respect. "Highly successful".

نمایاں : Marked : strongly marked; easily noticeable. "Walked with a marked limp".

حاضری : Presence : the state of being present; current existence. "He tested for the presence of radon".

برف گرنا : Snow : fall as snow. "It was snowing all night".

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