Bachoun JesaTiflanaNapkhtaDhalti Umar KaKam Taraqqi YaftaBalo Tak Pohanc...Balughat Se PehleJaniniyatiBchkanhaBilkul TayyarKachchaMosam Kay MosamMosmiSaal BharPuray Saal Jari...Waqt Or Mosam K...Be MosamQabal Az Waqt P...Sab Se UnchaMukhtasar Tareen

بچکانہ : Bchkanha Meaning in English

Bchkanha in Detail

1) بچوں جیسا بچکانہ : Childish Infantile : (satellite adjective) indicating a lack of maturity.


Useful Words

کمی : Deficiency : the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable. "By the way, food is well made but there us a lack of salt in the food".

پختگی : Adulthood : the period of time in your life after your physical growth has stopped and you are fully developed. "Adulthood range between 18 to 25 years".

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