Himmat ToornaNaumeed KarnaHosla DenaHosla DilanaUmeed DilanaPur Josh HonaKisi Asar Se Az...Ruth JanaBddil KarnaDil Shikni KarnaPast Himmat Ya ...Lutf Uthana Mazay Lena Khafa KarnaBe Sadh KardenaBor KarnaTars KhanaHamdardi KarnaTaziyat KarnaParwa Karna

بددل کرنا : Bddil Karna Meaning in English

Bddil Karna Sentence

Bddil Karna in Detail

1) ناامید کرنا ہمت توڑنا بددل کرنا : Discourage : (verb) deprive of courage or hope; take away hope from; cause to feel discouraged.


Useful Words

پرے : Away : from a particular thing or place or position (`forth` is obsolete). "Ran away from the lion".

قائل کرنا : Cause : cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner. "The induced me for fake collision to obtain money fraudulently from insurance companies".

ہمت : Braveness : a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear. "If you want to be recruited in a special security unit, you will have to show your courage".

محروم کرنا : Deprive : take away possessions from someone. "Due to global outbreak and lockdown, daily wage earners have been deprived of food and meal".

دل شکستہ : Demoralised : made less hopeful or enthusiastic. "Desperate demoralized people looking for work".

محسوس کرنا : Feel : be conscious of a physical, mental, or emotional state. "I`m not feeling well".

آس : Hope : a specific instance of feeling hopeful. "He is hoping".

لے جانا : Conduct : take somebody somewhere. "His long sit-in led him to become prime minister".

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