Inteshaar AngaizAfra Taffri Se ...Be QararAaram Se Bhar PurAaram Se BharpoorSansanati Numa ...Shoor O GugaShoor O Ghul Ki...Be HangamShaistaGhair AqliGhair MaqoolNasliyati Tor ParDo NasliMukhtalif Naslo...Nasal ParastanaMutaeamalTamliMustaidGhair Mustaid

بے ہنگم : Be Hangam Meaning in English

Be Hangam in Detail

1) اتفاقی بے ہنگم : Haphazard Hit-Or-Miss : (satellite adjective) dependent upon or characterized by chance.


Useful Words

موقع : Chance : a possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances. "You missed the chance to get scholarship despite having good marks".

دوسرے پر انحصار کرنےوالا : Dependant : a person who relies on another person for support (especially financial support). "A dependent lady".

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