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Cestode meaning in Urdu

Cestode Synonym

Cestode Definitions

1) Cestode, Tapeworm : پیٹ کے کیڑے : (noun) ribbonlike flatworms that are parasitic in the intestines of humans and other vertebrates.


Useful Words

Fluke : ایک قسم کا کیڑا , Genus Hexamita : حیوانوں کے پیٹ کی بیماری , Acanthocephalan : کانٹے نما پیٹ کے کیڑے , Acanthocephala : پیٹ کے کیڑے , Spirochaete : مرغولی جرثومہ , Costa : پسلی , Hip : پیڑو , Hydatid : کسایہ کدو دانہ , Gastrointestinal : معدہ اور آنت سے متعلق , Enteral : آنت سے متعلق , Enterolithiasis : آنت میں پتھریوں کی موجودگی ہونا , Enterolith : آنت کی پتھری , Vermicide : کیڑے مار دوا , Obstipation : وہ قبض جس پر قابو نہ پایا جا سکے , Hookworm : پیٹ کے کیڑے کی بیماری , Catgut : تانت , Enterotoxemia : بھیڑ بکریوں کی آنتوں کی بیماری , Enterobius Vermicularis : ایک چھوٹا دھاگہ نما کیڑا , Maxilla : جبڑے کی ہڈی , Jawbone : جبڑے کی ہڈی , Skull : کھوپڑی , Mesentery : چھوٹی آنت , Turbinal : ناک کی ہڈی , Dactyl : پیر ہاتھ کی انگلی , Caul : غلاف سر جنین , Fish : مچھلی , Giardiasis : جیارڈیا انٹسٹائیفلیس کی وجہ سے مرض عموماً بغیر علامات خصوصاً بالغوں کو اسہال میں مبتلا کر سکتا ہے , Tooth : دانت , Blood : خون , Bird : پرندہ , Parasitically : طفیلی انداز میں

Useful Words Definitions

Fluke: parasitic flatworms having external suckers for attaching to a host.

Genus Hexamita: flagellates free-living or parasitic in intestines of birds.

Acanthocephalan: any of various worms living parasitically in intestines of vertebrates having a retractile proboscis covered with many hooked spines.

Acanthocephala: phylum or class of elongated wormlike parasites that live in the intestines of vertebrates: spiny-headed worms.

Spirochaete: parasitic or free-living bacteria; many pathogenic to humans and other animals.

Costa: any of the 12 pairs of curved arches of bone extending from the spine to or toward the sternum in humans (and similar bones in most vertebrates).

Hip: the structure of the vertebrate skeleton supporting the lower limbs in humans and the hind limbs or corresponding parts in other vertebrates.

Hydatid: cyst filled with liquid; forms as a result of infestation by tapeworm larvae (as in echinococcosis).

Gastrointestinal: of or relating to the stomach and intestines.

Enteral: of or relating to or inside the intestines.

Enterolithiasis: the presence of calculi in the intestines.

Enterolith: a calculus occurring in the intestines.

Vermicide: an agent that kills worms (especially those in the intestines).

Obstipation: severe constipation resulting from an obstruction in the intestines.

Hookworm: infestation of the intestines by hookworms which enter the body (usually) through the skin.

Catgut: a strong cord made from the intestines of sheep and used in surgery.

Enterotoxemia: a disease of cattle and sheep that is attributed to toxins absorbed from the intestines.

Enterobius Vermicularis: small threadlike worm infesting human intestines and rectum especially in children.

Maxilla: the jaw in vertebrates that is fused to the cranium.

Jawbone: the jaw in vertebrates that is hinged to open the mouth.

Skull: the bony skeleton of the head of vertebrates.

Mesentery: a double layer of peritoneum that attaches to the back wall of the abdominal cavity and supports the small intestines.

Turbinal: any of the scrolled spongy bones of the nasal passages in man and other vertebrates.

Dactyl: a finger or toe in human beings or corresponding body part in other vertebrates.

Caul: the inner membrane of embryos in higher vertebrates (especially when covering the head at birth).

Fish: any of various mostly cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates usually having scales and breathing through gills.

Giardiasis: infection of the intestines with protozoa found in contaminated food and water; characterized by diarrhea and nausea and flatulence and abdominal discomfort.

Tooth: hard bonelike structures in the jaws of vertebrates; used for biting and chewing or for attack and defense.

Blood: the fluid (red in vertebrates) that is pumped through the body by the heart and contains plasma, blood cells, and platelets.

Bird: warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings.

Parasitically: in a parasitic manner.

Related Words

Cestoda : پیٹ کے کیڑے
