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Cheep meaning in Urdu

Cheep Synonym

Cheep Definitions

1) Cheep, Peep : مرغی کے بچوں کی آواز نکالنا, چہچہاہٹ : (noun) the short weak cry of a young bird.


Useful Words

Barbet : ایک پرندہ , Tweet : پرندوں کی چہچہاہٹ , Baby Bird : پرندے کا چھوٹا بچہ , Biddy : ننھا پرندہ , Eyehole : جھری , Hoactzin : تاج والا پرندہ , Gull : بحری بگلا , Hawk : باز , Duck : مرغابی , Kingfisher : لمبی چونچ والا پرندہ , Ostrich : شتر مرغ , Partridge : تیتر پرندہ , Chaperon : نگہبان , Abies Fraseri : چھوٹا صنوبر , Chunky : پست قد اور موٹا , Wimpish : غیر موثر , Debilitate : کمزور ہونا , Wisplike : کمزور , Falter : کمزور پڑنا , Air-Tight : جس میں کوئی کمی یا کمزوری نہ ہو , Frail : لاغر , Spring Chicken : نوجوان , Weakness : مالی کمزوری , Faint : نڈھال , Colorless : بے رنگا , Underbelly : غیر محفوظہونے کی حالت , Failing : کمزور نقطہ , Play : ٹمٹمانا , Weakened : کمزور , Emaciate : گھلنا , Lamely : ناقص طور پر

Useful Words Definitions

Barbet: small brightly colored stout-billed tropical bird having short weak wings.

Tweet: a weak chirping sound as of a small bird.

Baby Bird: young bird not yet fledged.

Biddy: young bird especially of domestic fowl.

Eyehole: a hole (in a door or an oven etc) through which you can peep.

Hoactzin: crested ill-smelling South American bird whose young have claws on the first and second digits of the wings.

Gull: mostly white aquatic bird having long pointed wings and short legs.

Hawk: diurnal bird of prey typically having short rounded wings and a long tail.

Duck: small wild or domesticated web-footed broad-billed swimming bird usually having a depressed body and short legs.

Kingfisher: nonpasserine large-headed bird with a short tail and long sharp bill; usually crested and bright-colored; feed mostly on fish.

Ostrich: fast-running African flightless bird with two-toed feet; largest living bird.

Partridge: heavy-bodied small-winged South American game bird resembling a gallinaceous bird but related to the ratite birds.

Chaperon: one who accompanies and supervises a young woman or gatherings of young people.

Abies Fraseri: small fast-growing but short-lived fir of southern Alleghenies similar to balsam fir but with very short leaves.

Chunky: short and thick; as e.g. having short legs and heavy musculature.

Wimpish: weak and ineffectual.

Debilitate: make weak.

Wisplike: thin and weak.

Falter: be unsure or weak.

Air-Tight: having no weak points.

Frail: physically weak.

Spring Chicken: a young person (especially a young man or boy).

Weakness: the condition of being financially weak.

Faint: weak and likely to lose consciousness.

Colorless: weak in color; not colorful.

Underbelly: the quality of being weak or unprotected.

Failing: a flaw or weak point.

Play: a weak and tremulous light.

Weakened: made weak or weaker.

Emaciate: cause to grow thin or weak.

Lamely: in a weak and unconvincing manner.

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