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Common Viper meaning in Urdu

Common Viper Sentence

Common Viper is not aggressive and usually bites only when really provoked.

Common Viper Synonyms

Common Viper Definitions

1) Common Viper, Adder, Vipera Berus : وائپر سانپ : (noun) small terrestrial viper common in northern Eurasia.


Useful Words

Agkistrodon Contortrix : امریکی بھورا سانپ , Cerastes : زہریلا خاکی سانپ , Rattler : چکی ناگ , Bracketed Blenny : ایک قسم کی مچھلی , Coccothraustes Coccothraustes : یورایشیائی فنچ چڑیا , Gallinago Gallinago : افریقی پرندہ , Surcharge : اضافی ٹیکس , Contribution : امداد دینا , Hawkbit : یورایشیائی جنگلی پودا , Bullrush : لمبی جھاڑی , Golden Buttons : لونگ , Harbor Porpoise : مچھلی , Broom : جامنی پھول والی جھاڑی , Monomorium Pharaonis : سرخ رنگ کی چیونٹی , Delichon Urbica : مارٹن چڑیا , Hickey : کیل , Aster Ericoides : تارے نما پھولوں والا امریکی پودا , Common Chickweed : ازخود اگنے والا سفید پھولوں والا پودا , Clintonia Borealis : نیلی بوندی والا پودا , Impetigo : زرد زخم , Horsetail : سدا بہار جڑی بوٹی , Aggregate Fruit : گچھے دار پھل , Black Elder : کالے آلوچے کا درخت , Accipiter Nisus : افریقہ کا باز , Cottontail : شمالی امریکا میں پایا جانے والا ایک چھوٹا خرگوش , Commons : عام آدمی , Pleb : عام لوگوں سے متعلق , Community : مشترکہ ملکیت , Concentric : ہم مرکز , Coaxal : ہم محور , Dominant : عام

Useful Words Definitions

Agkistrodon Contortrix: common coppery brown pit viper of upland eastern United States.

Cerastes: highly venomous viper of northern Africa and southwestern Asia having a horny spine above each eye.

Rattler: pit viper with horny segments at the end of the tail that rattle when shaken.

Bracketed Blenny: small eellike fishes common in shallow waters of the northern Atlantic.

Coccothraustes Coccothraustes: a common large finch of Eurasia.

Gallinago Gallinago: common snipe of Eurasia and Africa.

Surcharge: an additional charge (as for items previously omitted or as a penalty for failure to exercise common caution or common skill).

Contribution: act of giving in common with others for a common purpose especially to a charity.

Hawkbit: any of various common wildflowers of the genus Leontodon; of temperate Eurasia to Mediterranean regions.

Bullrush: tall rush with soft erect or arching stems found in Eurasia, Australia, New Zealand, and common in North America.

Golden Buttons: common perennial aromatic herb native to Eurasia having buttonlike yellow flower heads and bitter-tasting pinnate leaves sometimes used medicinally.

Harbor Porpoise: the common porpoise of the northern Atlantic and Pacific.

Broom: common Old World heath represented by many varieties; low evergreen grown widely in the northern hemisphere.

Monomorium Pharaonis: small red ant of warm regions; a common household pest.

Delichon Urbica: common small European martin that builds nests under the eaves of houses.

Hickey: a small inflamed elevation of the skin; a pustule or papule; common symptom in acne.

Aster Ericoides: common much-branched North American perennial with heathlike foliage and small starry white flowers.

Common Chickweed: a common low-growing annual garden weed with small white flowers; cosmopolitan; so-called because it is eaten by chickens.

Clintonia Borealis: common woodland herb of temperate North America having yellow nodding flowers and small round blue fruits.

Impetigo: a very contagious infection of the skin; common in children; localized redness develops into small blisters that gradually crust and erode.

Horsetail: perennial rushlike flowerless herbs with jointed hollow stems and narrow toothlike leaves that spread by creeping rhizomes; tend to become weedy; common in northern hemisphere; some in Africa and South America.

Aggregate Fruit: fruit consisting of many individual small fruits or drupes derived from separate ovaries within a common receptacle: e.g. blackberry; raspberry; pineapple.

Black Elder: a common shrub with black fruit or a small tree of Europe and Asia; fruit used for wines and jellies.

Accipiter Nisus: small hawk of Eurasia and northern Africa.

Cottontail: common small rabbit of North America having greyish or brownish fur and a tail with a white underside; a host for Ixodes pacificus and Ixodes scapularis (Lyme disease ticks).

Commons: the common people.

Pleb: one of the common people.

Community: common ownership.

Concentric: having a common center.

Coaxal: having a common axis.

Dominant: most frequent or common.

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