Aiyari SeSheher Bhar KaBadmizaji SeUlti JanibSharait Kay Bag...Silsila War Tor...Dagha Bazi SeBe Rabti SeTameri Andaz SeUsi Dor MeinNaqabil Yaqeeni...Yaqeeni Tor ParQabil E Qubool ...Be Etiqadi SeBadhawasi Se

دَغا بازی سے : Dagha Bazi Se Meaning in English

Dagha Bazi Se Synonyms


Dagha Bazi Se in Detail

2 of 3) فریب سے دغا بازی سے بے ایمانی سے : Deceitfully Dishonestly Venally : (adverb) in a corrupt and deceitful manner.

3 of 3) دغا بازی سے غداری سے : Faithlessly False Traitorously Treacherously Treasonably : (adverb) in a disloyal and faithless manner.

Useful Words

مکاری : Artful : not straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance of frankness. "An ambitious, disingenuous, philistine, and hypocritical operator, whoexemplifiedthe most disagreeable traits of his time".

دغاباز : Corrupt : not straight; dishonest or immoral or evasive. "Corrupt military commander".

دوغلا : Ambidextrous : marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another. "An ambidextrous personality".

ڈھنگ : Manner : a way of acting or behaving. "They don`t have any manners to speak ?".

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