Dyschezia Dynasty Dynastic Dynast Dynamometer Dynamo Dynamite Dynamism Dysentery Dysfunctional Dyskinesia Dyslexia Dyslogistic Dyspepsia Dyspeptic Dysphagia Dysphasia Dysphoria Dysphoric Dyspneal

Dysentery meaning in Urdu

Dysentery Sentence

He has dysentery.

Dysentery Definitions

1) Dysentery : پیچش, مروڑ : (noun) an infection of the intestines marked by severe diarrhea.


Useful Words

Conessi : کرچی کا پیڑ , Giardiasis : جیارڈیا انٹسٹائیفلیس کی وجہ سے مرض عموماً بغیر علامات خصوصاً بالغوں کو اسہال میں مبتلا کر سکتا ہے , Obstipation : وہ قبض جس پر قابو نہ پایا جا سکے , Haemoptysis : کھانسی میں خون کا تھوکنا , Radiation : اشعاعی اخراج , Trench Mouth : منھ کی وبائی بیماری , Enteric Fever : ٹائیفائڈ , Herpangia : وائرل انفیکشن , Lockjaw : تشنج , Infectious : متعدی , Camphorated Tincture Of Opium : کھانسی کے علاج میں استعمال ہونے والی دوا , Antidiarrheal : دست کی دوا , Irritable Bowel Syndrome : تناو سے پیٹ خراب ہونا , Gastrointestinal : معدہ اور آنت سے متعلق , Enterolith : آنت کی پتھری , Enteral : آنت سے متعلق , Enterolithiasis : آنت میں پتھریوں کی موجودگی ہونا , Vermicide : کیڑے مار دوا , Genus Hexamita : حیوانوں کے پیٹ کی بیماری , Cestode : پیٹ کے کیڑے , Hookworm : پیٹ کے کیڑے کی بیماری , Catgut : تانت , Enterotoxemia : بھیڑ بکریوں کی آنتوں کی بیماری , Enterobius Vermicularis : ایک چھوٹا دھاگہ نما کیڑا , Ulcerative Colitis : السریٹیو کولائی ٹس مرض جس میں بڑی آنت میں ورم ہوجاتا ہے , Acanthocephalan : کانٹے نما پیٹ کے کیڑے , Mesentery : چھوٹی آنت , Acanthocephala : پیٹ کے کیڑے , Salt Depletion : نمک کی جسم میں کمی , Metabolic Acidosis : جسمانی کیمیائی تیزابیت , Gastroenterostomy : معدہ اور چھوٹی آنت کے درمیان آپریشن کے ذریعے سوراخ بنانا

Useful Words Definitions

Conessi: tropical Asian tree with hard white wood and bark formerly used as a remedy for dysentery and diarrhea.

Giardiasis: infection of the intestines with protozoa found in contaminated food and water; characterized by diarrhea and nausea and flatulence and abdominal discomfort.

Obstipation: severe constipation resulting from an obstruction in the intestines.

Haemoptysis: coughing up blood from the respiratory tract; usually indicates a severe infection of the bronchi or lungs.

Radiation: syndrome resulting from exposure to ionizing radiation (e.g., exposure to radioactive chemicals or to nuclear explosions); low doses cause diarrhea and nausea and vomiting and sometimes loss of hair; greater exposure can cause sterility and cataracts and some forms of cancer and other diseases; severe exposure can cause death within hours.

Trench Mouth: an acute communicable infection of the respiratory tract and mouth marked by ulceration of the mucous membrane.

Enteric Fever: serious infection marked by intestinal inflammation and ulceration; caused by Salmonella typhosa ingested with food or water.

Herpangia: a viral infection (usually in children) marked by sore throat and fever and papules in the mouth and throat and headache and abdominal pain; usually subsides in a short time.

Lockjaw: an acute and serious infection of the central nervous system caused by bacterial infection of open wounds; spasms of the jaw and laryngeal muscles may occur during the late stages.

Infectious: caused by infection or capable of causing infection.

Camphorated Tincture Of Opium: medicine used to treat diarrhea.

Antidiarrheal: a drug used to control or stop diarrhea.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: recurrent abdominal pain and diarrhea (often alternating with periods of constipation); often associated with emotional stress.

Gastrointestinal: of or relating to the stomach and intestines.

Enterolith: a calculus occurring in the intestines.

Enteral: of or relating to or inside the intestines.

Enterolithiasis: the presence of calculi in the intestines.

Vermicide: an agent that kills worms (especially those in the intestines).

Genus Hexamita: flagellates free-living or parasitic in intestines of birds.

Cestode: ribbonlike flatworms that are parasitic in the intestines of humans and other vertebrates.

Hookworm: infestation of the intestines by hookworms which enter the body (usually) through the skin.

Catgut: a strong cord made from the intestines of sheep and used in surgery.

Enterotoxemia: a disease of cattle and sheep that is attributed to toxins absorbed from the intestines.

Enterobius Vermicularis: small threadlike worm infesting human intestines and rectum especially in children.

Ulcerative Colitis: a serious chronic inflammatory disease of the large intestine and rectum characterized by recurrent episodes of abdominal pain and fever and chills and profuse diarrhea.

Acanthocephalan: any of various worms living parasitically in intestines of vertebrates having a retractile proboscis covered with many hooked spines.

Mesentery: a double layer of peritoneum that attaches to the back wall of the abdominal cavity and supports the small intestines.

Acanthocephala: phylum or class of elongated wormlike parasites that live in the intestines of vertebrates: spiny-headed worms.

Salt Depletion: loss of salt from the body without replacement (loss by vomiting or profuse perspiration or urination or diarrhea) thus upsetting the electrolyte balance.

Metabolic Acidosis: acidosis and bicarbonate concentration in the body fluids resulting either from the accumulation of acids or the abnormal loss of bases from the body (as in diarrhea or renal disease).

Gastroenterostomy: surgical creation of an opening between the stomach wall and the small intestines; performed when the normal opening has been eliminated.

Related Words

Diarrhea : اسہال
