Nihayat SadaNaswan WalaNas NumaRag DarNas DarDhari Dar Dhabay DarDaghdarFaqatZerinDaradainQala NumaQala BandBuhat AalaDuri NumaFitay NumaIttefaqiyahBazahir MaqoolQareen QiyasQabil E Estadlal

فقط : Faqat Meaning in English

Faqat Sentences

Faqat in Detail

1) فقط : Bare Mere Simple : (satellite adjective) apart from anything else; without additions or modifications.


Useful Words

اضافہ : Add-On : a component that is added to something to improve it. "The addition of a bathroom was a major improvement".

دور : Apart : separated or at a distance in place or position or time. "These towns are many miles apart".

ورنہ : Else : If not; otherwise. "What else?".

تبدیلی : Adjustment : the act of making something different (as e.g. the size of a garment).

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