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فاضل مقدار : Fazil Miqdar Meaning in English


Fazil Miqdar in Detail

1) ضرورت سے زیادہ مقدار فاضل مقدار : Excess Nimiety Surplus Surplusage : (noun) a quantity much larger than is needed.

Useful Words

زیادہ بڑا : Bigger : large or big relative to something else. "This one is bigger".

زیادہ : Much : a great amount or extent. "Allah has given me so much".

ضروری : Needed : necessary for relief or supply. "Provided them with all things needful".

مقدار : Amount : how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify.

سے : Than : Used for comparison. "She is a better than I".

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