Genus Actinia Genus Actias Genus Actaea Genus Acrostichum Genus Acropora Genus Acrocomia Genus Acroclinium Genus Acrocephalus Genus Actinidia Genus Actiniopt... Genus Actinomeris Genus Actitis Genus Adalia Genus Adansonia Genus Adelges Genus Adenanthera Genus Adenium Genus Adenota Genus Adiantum Genus Adlumia

Genus Actinidia meaning in Urdu

Genus Actinidia Synonym

Genus Actinidia Definitions

1) Genus Actinidia, Actinidia : کیوی پھل : (noun) small Asiatic woody vine bearing many-seeded fruit.


Useful Words

Diospyros Kaki : ایک قسم کا جاپانی پھل , Areca Catechu : پان , Actinidia Arguta : چھوٹی کیوی , Abyssinian Banana : حبشی کیلا , Arbutus Unedo : جنوبی یورپ کا ایک سدا بہار درخت جس پر نارنجی ماٴئل سرخ بیر لگتے ہیں , Hazel : ریٹھے کا درخت , Canada Moonseed : بزر القمر , Guava : امرود کا درخت , Cantaloup : گرما , Grewia Asiatica : فالسہ , Honeysuckle : لمبے پھول والا پودا , Date Plum : املوک , Genus Homogyne : پھولوں والا یورپی پودا , Adlumia Fungosa : گلابی پھول والی بیل , Agdestis : پھولدار بیل , Achenial : اسٹرابیری جیسے میوے سے متعلق , Pod : پھلی , Genip : میٹھے پھل والا امریکی پیڑ , Amphicarpa Bracteata : جنگلی مونگ پھلی , Spindle Tree : چھوٹے قد کا یورپی درخت , Campsis Radicans : ترم پھول , Capsicum : مرچ کا پودہ , Carolina Jasmine : زرد چنبیلی , Apple Tree : سیب کا درخت , Plantain : اسپغول , Olive Tree : زیتون کا درخت , Grapelike : انگور کی طرح کا پھل , Tamarisk : نوکیلے پتوں والی چھاڑی , Aphis : جوں , Mulberry : شہتوت , Acer : پھل والی جھاڑی

Useful Words Definitions

Diospyros Kaki: small deciduous Asiatic tree bearing large red or orange edible astringent fruit.

Areca Catechu: southeastern Asian palm bearing betel nuts (scarlet or orange single-seeded fruit with a fibrous husk).

Actinidia Arguta: climbing Asiatic vine having long finely serrate leaves and racemes of white flowers followed by greenish-yellow edible fruit.

Abyssinian Banana: large evergreen arborescent herb having huge paddle-shaped leaves and bearing inedible fruit that resemble bananas but edible young flower shoots; sometimes placed in genus Musa.

Arbutus Unedo: small evergreen European shrubby tree bearing many-seeded scarlet berries that are edible but bland; of Ireland, southern Europe, Asia Minor.

Hazel: any of several shrubs or small trees of the genus Corylus bearing edible nuts enclosed in a leafy husk.

Canada Moonseed: a woody vine of eastern North America having large oval leaves and small white flowers and purple to blue-black fruits.

Guava: small tropical shrubby tree bearing small yellowish fruit.

Cantaloup: the fruit of a cantaloup vine; small to medium-sized melon with yellowish flesh.

Grewia Asiatica: drought-resistant Asiatic treelike shrub bearing pleasantly acid small red edible fruits commonly used in sherbets.

Honeysuckle: shrub or vine of the genus Lonicera.

Date Plum: an Asiatic persimmon tree cultivated for its small yellow or purplish-black edible fruit much valued by Afghan tribes.

Genus Homogyne: small genus of low perennial herbs of montane Europe; in some classifications included in genus Tussilago.

Adlumia Fungosa: vine with feathery leaves and white or pinkish flowers; sometimes placed in genus Fumaria.

Agdestis: a genus with one species that is a rapidly growing climbing vine with tuberous roots; grown in hot climates.

Achenial: pertaining to dry one-seeded indehiscent fruit.

Pod: a several-seeded dehiscent fruit as e.g. of a leguminous plant.

Genip: tropical American tree bearing a small edible fruit with green leathery skin and sweet juicy translucent pulp.

Amphicarpa Bracteata: vine widely distributed in eastern North America producing racemes of purple to maroon flowers and abundant (usually subterranean) edible one-seeded pods resembling peanuts.

Spindle Tree: any shrubby trees or woody vines of the genus Euonymus having showy usually reddish berries.

Campsis Radicans: a North American woody vine having pinnate leaves and large red trumpet-shaped flowers.

Capsicum: any of various tropical plants of the genus Capsicum bearing peppers.

Carolina Jasmine: poisonous woody evergreen vine of southeastern United States having fragrant yellow funnel-shaped flowers.

Apple Tree: any tree of the genus Malus especially those bearing firm rounded edible fruits.

Plantain: any of numerous plants of the genus Plantago; mostly small roadside or dooryard weeds with elliptic leaves and small spikes of very small flowers; seeds of some used medicinally.

Olive Tree: a tree of the genus Olea cultivated for its fruit.

Grapelike: resembling the fruit of a grape vine.

Tamarisk: any shrub or small tree of the genus Tamarix having small scalelike or needle-shaped leaves and feathery racemes of small white or pinkish flowers; of mostly coastal areas with saline soil.

Aphis: type genus of the Aphididae: injurious to fruit trees and vegetables.

Mulberry: any of several trees of the genus Morus having edible fruit that resembles the blackberry.

Acer: type genus of the Aceraceae; trees or shrubs having winged fruit.

Related Words

Actinidiaceae : بیل جھاڑی وغیرہ , Actinidia Chinensis : کیوی , Actinidia Polygama : پیلی کیوی کی بیل

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