Genus Adonis Genus Adlumia Genus Adiantum Genus Adenota Genus Adenium Genus Adenanthera Genus Adelges Genus Adansonia Genus Aedes Genus Aegiceras Genus Aegilops Genus Aegypius Genus Aeonium Genus Aepyceros Genus Aerobacter Genus Aesculus Genus Aethionema Genus Aethusa Genus Aetobatus Genus Aframomum

Genus Aedes meaning in Urdu

Genus Aedes Synonym

Genus Aedes Definitions

1) Genus Aedes, Aedes : ڈینگی مچھر : (noun) yellow-fever mosquitos.


Useful Words

Arabidopsis : ایک قسم کا رائی کا سفوف کی طرز کا پودا پیلے اور اودے پھول والا , Genus Heterotheca : امریکی جڑی بوٹی , Aedes Aegypti : ڈینگی مچھر , Abelmoschus : پیلے پھولوں والا ایک پودا , Bitter Pea : ایک قسم کا مٹر , Senna : ایک پھلی دار پودا , Barberry : زرشک کے پودے , Marigold : گیندے کا پہول , Genus Lysimachia : ایک قسم کا پیلے پھولوں والا پودا , Cassia : دار چینی , Helianthus : سورج مکھی , Reed : امریکی ڈاکٹر جس نے ثابت کیا کے زرد بخار مچھر کے کاٹنے سے ہوتا ہے , Hawk's-Beard : کریپس پودا , Hideyo Noguchi : نوگوچی ماہر جرثومیات , Cassia Alata : گرم خطےکی ایک جھاڑی یا پودا پیلے پھولوں والا , Calendula : گیندا , Althaea : چھوٹے پھولوں والا پودا , Shumac : شجرالسماق , Genus Venus : زہرہ , Genus Homogyne : پھولوں والا یورپی پودا , Acroclinium : سدا بہار جڑی بوٹی , Culex : مچھر , Pasque Flower : ایک قسم کا پہول , Star Grass : ستارہ گھاس , Mosquito Net : مچھر دانی , Recurrent Fever : لوٹ آنے والا بخار , Curcuma Domestica : ہلدی , Genus Hexanchus : شارک کی قسم , Acanthisitta : رائفل مین چڑیا , Genus Tilapia : ایک قسم کی مچھلی , Aegypius : چیل کی نسل

Useful Words Definitions

Arabidopsis: a genus of the mustard family having white or yellow or purplish flowers; closely related to genus Arabis.

Genus Heterotheca: genus of yellow-flowered North American herbs.

Aedes Aegypti: mosquito that transmits yellow fever and dengue.

Abelmoschus: genus of tropical coarse herbs having large lobed leaves and often yellow flowers.

Bitter Pea: any of several spiny shrubs of the genus Daviesia having yellow flowers and triangular seeds; Australia.

Senna: any of various plants of the genus Senna having pinnately compound leaves and showy usually yellow flowers; many are used medicinally.

Barberry: any of numerous plants of the genus Berberis having prickly stems and yellow flowers followed by small red berries.

Marigold: any of various tropical American plants of the genus Tagetes widely cultivated for their showy yellow or orange flowers.

Genus Lysimachia: loosestrife: a cosmopolitan genus found in damp or swampy terrain having usually yellow flowers; inclined to be invasive.

Cassia: any of various trees or shrubs of the genus Cassia having pinnately compound leaves and usually yellow flowers followed by long seedpods.

Helianthus: any plant of the genus Helianthus having large flower heads with dark disk florets and showy yellow rays.

Reed: United States physician who proved that yellow fever is transmitted by mosquitoes (1851-1902).

Hawk's-Beard: any of various plants of the genus Crepis having loose heads of yellow flowers on top of a long branched leafy stem; northern hemisphere.

Hideyo Noguchi: United States bacteriologist (born in Japan) who discovered the cause of yellow fever and syphilis (1876-1928).

Cassia Alata: tropical shrub (especially of Americas) having yellow flowers and large leaves whose juice is used as a cure for ringworm and poisonous bites; sometimes placed in genus Cassia.

Calendula: any of numerous chiefly annual herbs of the genus Calendula widely cultivated for their yellow or orange flowers; often used for medicinal and culinary purposes.

Althaea: any of various plants of the genus Althaea; similar to but having smaller flowers than genus Alcea.

Shumac: a shrub or tree of the genus Rhus (usually limited to the non-poisonous members of the genus).

Genus Venus: type genus of the family Veneridae: genus of edible clams with thick oval shells.

Genus Homogyne: small genus of low perennial herbs of montane Europe; in some classifications included in genus Tussilago.

Acroclinium: genus of herbs and shrubs of Australia and South Africa: everlasting flower; most species usually placed in genus Helipterum.

Culex: type genus of the Culicidae: widespread genus of mosquitoes distinguished by holding the body parallel to the resting surface.

Pasque Flower: any plant of the genus Pulsatilla; sometimes included in genus Anemone.

Star Grass: any plant of the genus Hypoxis having long grasslike leaves and yellow star-shaped flowers: Africa; Australia; southern Asia; North America.

Mosquito Net: a fine net or screen (especially around beds) to protect against mosquitos.

Recurrent Fever: marked by recurring high fever and transmitted by the bite of infected lice or ticks; characterized by episodes of high fever and chills and headache and muscle pain and nausea that recur every week or ten days for several months.

Curcuma Domestica: widely cultivated tropical plant of India having yellow flowers and a large aromatic deep yellow rhizome; source of a condiment and a yellow dye.

Genus Hexanchus: a genus of Hexanchidae.

Acanthisitta: a genus of Xenicidae.

Genus Tilapia: a genus of Cichlidae.

Aegypius: a genus of Accipitridae.

Related Words

Culicidae : مچھر , Aedes Albopictus : جاپانی مچھر

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