Genus Afrocarpus Genus Aframomum Genus Aetobatus Genus Aethusa Genus Aethionema Genus Aesculus Genus Aerobacter Genus Aepyceros Genus Agalinis Genus Agapornis Genus Agaricus Genus Agastache Genus Agathis Genus Agdestis Genus Agelaius Genus Ageratina Genus Agkistrodon Genus Aglaomorpha Genus Aglaonema Genus Agonus

Genus Agalinis meaning in Urdu

Genus Agalinis Synonym

Genus Agalinis Definitions

1) Genus Agalinis, Agalinis : پھولدار امریکی پودا : (noun) semiparasitic herb with purple or white or pink flowers; grows in the United States and West Indies.


Useful Words

Ageratum : دھند پھول , Boneset : گلابی یا اودے پھولوں والی بوٹی , Common Morning Glory : گل نیلوفر , Aster Novi-Belgii : ضیافت میکائیل کے دنوں میں کھلنے والے تارا پھولوں کی کوئی بھی قسم , Abelmoschus Esculentus : بھنڈی کا پودا , Alpine Coltsfoot : لال پھول والا پودا , Parietaria Difussa : عاقر قرحہ , Deer Grass : گلابی امریکی پودا , Clinopodium Vulgare : ایک قسم کی بوٹی , Hedysarum Boreale : پھلی دار امریکی پودا , Christmas Berry : سدا بہار , Spiraea : آرائشی جھاڑی , Common Spotted Orchid : منفرد پھولوں والا پودا , Confederate Rose : رنگ بدلنے والے پھول , Hercules'-Club : خاردار جھاڑی , Abelia : سدا بہار کا پودہ جس میں گلابی سفید اور اودے رنگ کے پھول ہوتے ہیں , Mentha Piperita : پودینہ , Arabidopsis : ایک قسم کا رائی کا سفوف کی طرز کا پودا پیلے اور اودے پھول والا , Bachelor's Button : نیلے ، سفید ، گلابی پھولوں والا ایک پودا , Abronia Umbellata : گلابی بگل نما پھولوں والا پودا , Glycine Max : سویابین , Genus Hazardia : رنگ بدلنے والے پھول کا پودا , Catmint : بالوں والی بوٹی , Abronia Villosa : ہلکا گلابی بگل نما پھولوں والا پودا , Blue Jasmine : جنوبی امریکا کا ایک اوپر بڑھنے والا نیلے اودے پھولوں والا ایک پودا , Actinomeris Alternifolia : مشرقی امریکی پودا , Agueweed : دوا بنانے والا پھول دار پودا , Calystegia Sepium : امریکی جنگلی پودا , Agapanthus : مصری سوسن , Bugleweed : امریکی سفید پھولوں والی خوشبو دار جری بوٹی , Caimito : ایک قسم کا پھل

Useful Words Definitions

Ageratum: rhizomatous plant of central and southeastern United States and West Indies having large showy heads of clear blue flowers; sometimes placed in genus Eupatorium.

Boneset: European herb having small white, pink or purple flowers; naturalized as a weed in North America.

Common Morning Glory: pantropical annual climbing herb with funnel-shaped blue, purple, pink or white flowers.

Aster Novi-Belgii: North American perennial herb having small autumn-blooming purple or pink or white flowers; widely naturalized in Europe.

Abelmoschus Esculentus: tall coarse annual of Old World tropics widely cultivated in southern United States and West Indies for its long mucilaginous green pods used as basis for soups and stews; sometimes placed in genus Hibiscus.

Alpine Coltsfoot: rhizomatous herb with purple-red flowers suitable for groundcover; sometimes placed in genus Tussilago.

Parietaria Difussa: herb that grows in crevices having long narrow leaves and small pink apetalous flowers.

Deer Grass: any of several plants of the genus Rhexia usually having pink-purple to magenta flowers; eastern North America.

Clinopodium Vulgare: aromatic herb having heads of small pink or whitish flowers; widely distributed in United States, Europe and Asia.

Hedysarum Boreale: perennial of western United States having racemes of pink to purple flowers followed by flat pods that separate into nearly orbicular joints.

Christmas Berry: ornamental evergreen treelike shrub of the Pacific coast of the United States having large white flowers and red berrylike fruits; often placed in genus Photinia.

Spiraea: any rosaceous plant of the genus Spiraea; has sprays of small white or pink flowers.

Common Spotted Orchid: European orchid having lanceolate leaves spotted purple and pink to white or mauve flowers spotted or lined deep red or purple.

Confederate Rose: Chinese shrub or small tree having white or pink flowers becoming deep red at night; widely cultivated; naturalized in southeastern United States.

Hercules'-Club: densely spiny ornamental of southeastern United States and West Indies.

Abelia: any of various deciduous or evergreen ornamental shrubs of the genus Abelia having opposite simple leaves and cymes of small white or pink or purplish flowers; Asia and Mexico.

Mentha Piperita: herb with downy leaves and small purple or white flowers that yields a pungent oil used as a flavoring.

Arabidopsis: a genus of the mustard family having white or yellow or purplish flowers; closely related to genus Arabis.

Bachelor's Button: an annual Eurasian plant cultivated in North America having showy heads of blue or purple or pink or white flowers.

Abronia Umbellata: prostrate herb having heads of deep pink to white flowers; found in coastal dunes from British Columbia to Baja California.

Glycine Max: erect bushy hairy annual herb having trifoliate leaves and purple to pink flowers; extensively cultivated for food and forage and soil improvement but especially for its nutritious oil-rich seeds; native to Asia.

Genus Hazardia: small genus of shrubs and subshrubs of western United States having flowers that change color as they mature.

Catmint: hairy aromatic perennial herb having whorls of small white purple-spotted flowers in a terminal spike; used in the past as a domestic remedy; strongly attractive to cats.

Abronia Villosa: soft-haired sticky plant with heads of bright pink trumpet-shaped flowers; found in sandy desert soil; after ample rains may carpet miles of desert with pink from the southwestern United States to northern Mexico.

Blue Jasmine: climber of southern United States having bluish-purple flowers.

Actinomeris Alternifolia: perennial herb with showy yellow flowers; the eastern United States.

Agueweed: perennial herb of southeastern United States having white-rayed flower heads; formerly used as in folk medicine.

Calystegia Sepium: common Eurasian and American wild climber with pink flowers; sometimes placed in genus Convolvulus.

Agapanthus: any of various plants of the genus Agapanthus having umbels of showy blue to purple flowers.

Bugleweed: a mildly narcotic and astringent aromatic herb having small whitish flowers; eastern United States.

Caimito: evergreen tree of West Indies and Central America having edible purple fruit star-shaped in cross section and dark green leaves with golden silky undersides.

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