Qabil ElaanQabil IqrarMafrozatiMana HuwaManzoor Shuda Tezabi Ghair AadiGhair QeemtiPosheedaJisay Phechana ...Emlak Ya Ilm Ka...IjtamaiNadedaHareesHaq E Malkiat J...Mafad ParsatMasroofShobda BazanaPhurtila

غیر قیمتی : Ghair Qeemti Meaning in English

Ghair Qeemti in Detail

1) غیر اہم بے قدر غیر قیمتی : Unappreciated Unsung Unvalued : (satellite adjective) having value that is not acknowledged.


Useful Words

منظور شدہ : Acknowledged : recognized or made known or admitted. "The acknowledged leader of the community".

نہیں : Non : negation of a word or group of words. "Will not go like that".

قدر : Value : a numerical quantity measured or assigned or computed. "Migrate to turkey with your family Pakistanis are valued there because they are considered honest".

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