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گراں ہونا : Giran Hona Meaning in English

Giran Hona Sentences

Giran Hona in Detail

1) گراں ہونا قیمت بڑھنا : Climb Go Up Rise : (verb) increase in value or to a higher point.


Useful Words

اعلی پائے کا : Higher : advanced in complexity or elaboration. "Higher finance".

اضافہ کرنا : Addition : a quantity that is added. "There was an addition to property taxes this year".

کسی جگہ کی نشان دہی کرنا : Designate : indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively. "I showed the customer the glove section".

قدر : Value : a numerical quantity measured or assigned or computed. "Migrate to turkey with your family Pakistanis are valued there because they are considered honest".

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