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Grassfinch meaning in Urdu

Grassfinch Synonym

Grassfinch Definitions

1) Grassfinch, Grass Finch : آسٹریلوی پرندہ : (noun) usually brightly-colored Australian weaverbirds; often kept as cage birds.


Useful Words

Cockatoo : تاج والا طوطا , Amadavat : لال , Parrot : طوطا , Brave : چنگھاڑتا , Admiral : تتلی , Flower Petal : پنکھ , Calico : مختلف رنگ والا , Tetra : ٹیٹرا مچھی , Brush Kangaroo : کنگرو کی چھوٹی قسم , Underwing : پتنگا , Caterpillar : سنڈی , Lampris Regius : ایک قسم کی مچھلی , Puffin : بحری طوطا , Barbet : ایک پرندہ , Aril : چھلکا , Conch : سیپ , Moray : ایک قسم کی مچھلی , Sparrow : عام چڑیا , Manakin : ایک قسم کا پرندہ , Turf : گھاس سے ڈھکی ہوئی زمین , Cage : پنجرے میں بند کرنا , Aepyorniformes : بڑا ناپید پرندہ , Hutch : ڈربا , Coccothraustes Coccothraustes : یورایشیائی فنچ چڑیا , Squirrel Cage : گلہری کے لیے بنا ھوا پنجرہ , Common Canary : اوقیانوسی چڑیا , Pine Finch : امریکی گانے والی چڑیا , Elevator : لفٹ , Blaze Up : چمکنا , Coruscate : چمکنا , Blaze : چمکنا

Useful Words Definitions

Cockatoo: white or light-colored crested parrot of the Australian region; often kept as cage birds.

Amadavat: red Asian weaverbirds often kept as cage birds.

Parrot: usually brightly colored zygodactyl tropical birds with short hooked beaks and the ability to mimic sounds.

Brave: brightly colored and showy.

Admiral: any of several brightly colored butterflies.

Flower Petal: part of the perianth that is usually brightly colored.

Calico: having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly.

Tetra: brightly colored tropical freshwater fishes.

Brush Kangaroo: any of various small or medium-sized kangaroos; often brightly colored.

Underwing: moth having dull forewings and brightly colored hind wings.

Caterpillar: a wormlike and often brightly colored and hairy or spiny larva of a butterfly or moth.

Lampris Regius: large elliptical brightly colored deep-sea fish of Atlantic and Pacific and Mediterranean.

Puffin: any of two genera of northern seabirds having short necks and brightly colored compressed bills.

Barbet: small brightly colored stout-billed tropical bird having short weak wings.

Aril: fleshy and usually brightly colored cover of some seeds that develops from the ovule stalk and partially or entirely envelopes the seed.

Conch: any of various edible tropical marine gastropods of the genus Strombus having a brightly-colored spiral shell with large outer lip.

Moray: family of brightly colored voracious eels of warm coastal waters; generally nonaggressive to humans but larger species are dangerous if provoked.

Sparrow: any of several small dull-colored singing birds feeding on seeds or insects.

Manakin: any of numerous small bright-colored birds of Central America and South America having short bills and elaborate courtship behavior.

Turf: cover (the ground) with a surface layer of grass or grass roots.

Cage: confine in a cage.

Aepyorniformes: huge extinct flightless birds: elephant birds.

Hutch: a cage (usually made of wood and wire mesh) for small animals.

Coccothraustes Coccothraustes: a common large finch of Eurasia.

Squirrel Cage: cage with a cylindrical framework that rotates as a small animal runs inside it.

Common Canary: native to the Canary Islands and Azores; popular usually yellow cage bird noted for its song.

Pine Finch: small finch of North American coniferous forests.

Elevator: lifting device consisting of a platform or cage that is raised and lowered mechanically in a vertical shaft in order to move people from one floor to another in a building.

Blaze Up: burn brightly.

Coruscate: reflect brightly.

Blaze: shine brightly and intensively.

Related Words

Genus Poephila : ایک خوبصورت پرندو

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