Kinara KashiIsteefaFaiyalSaboot Kay Tor ...Maroof Ashkhas ...Amal E IndrajDaftar AndrajatKhatoun Ki FehristIqtidar Chornay...Mushtarka Qarar...Arz DashtDarkhaast Kay S...TareekhTareekhi DastavizSuanh UmriSuanh HayatSiratSuanhGoshwara E Hisa...Bil

اقتدار چھوڑنے کا عمل : Iqtidar Chornay Ka Amal Meaning in English

Iqtidar Chornay Ka Amal in Detail

1 of 2) دستبرداری اقتدار چھوڑنے کا عمل : Abdication Stepping Down : (noun) a formal resignation and renunciation of powers.


Useful Words

پرتکلف : Courtly : refined or imposing in manner or appearance. "Don`t be formal".

ذہانت : Ability : possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done. "Danger heightened his powers of discrimination".

مذہب چھوڑنے کا عمل : Apostasy : the state of having rejected your religious beliefs or your political party or a cause (often in favor of opposing beliefs or causes). "Do you remember any hadith on apostasy?".

استعفی : Resignation : a formal document giving notice of your intention to resign. "He submitted his resignation as of next month".

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