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خونی سداد : Khooni Sadad Meaning in English

Khooni Sadad in Detail

1) دلمہ دلمہ رگ خونی سداد : Thrombus : (noun) a blood clot formed within a blood vessel and remaining attached to its place of origin.


Useful Words

وابستہ : Affiliated : being joined in close association. "Affiliated partner".

لفنگا : Blood : a dissolute man in fashionable society. "You all are profligates".

نرم اور منجمد سیال : Clot : a lump of material formed from the content of a liquid. "Clot of blood in urine".

یہ : It : Used of a nonhuman entity. "It is out of the question".

وہ جگہ جہاں سے کوئی چیز شروع ہو : Beginning : the place where something begins, where it springs into being. "The Italian beginning of the Renaissance".

رکھنا : Lay : put into a certain place or abstract location. "Where do I put it ?".

بچا کچہ : Left : not used up. "Leftover food".

نالی : Vas : a tube in which a body fluid circulates. "A blood vessel".

اندر : Inside : on the inside. "Inside, the car is a mess".

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