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Mushiness meaning in Urdu

Mushiness Synonym


Mushiness Definitions

1) Mushiness, Pulpiness : نرمی, بلبلاہٹ, گاڑھا پن : (noun) a mushy pulpy softness.

Useful Words

Flabbiness : نرمی , Molluscum : جلد کی ایک بیماری , Tomato : ٹماٹر , Berry : گوندنی , Buffalo Nut : جنوب مشرقی امریکہ میں پائی جانے والی جھاڑی , Autumn Pumpkin : کدو , Bathetic : بہت جذباتی , Pulpy : گودے دار , Gentleness : شرافت

Useful Words Definitions

Flabbiness: a flabby softness.

Molluscum: any skin disease characterized by soft pulpy nodules.

Tomato: mildly acid red or yellow pulpy fruit eaten as a vegetable.

Berry: any of numerous small and pulpy edible fruits; used as desserts or in making jams and jellies and preserves.

Buffalo Nut: shrub of southeastern United States parasitic on roots of hemlocks having sparse spikes of greenish flowers and pulpy drupes.

Autumn Pumpkin: a coarse vine widely cultivated for its large pulpy round orange fruit with firm orange skin and numerous seeds; subspecies of Cucurbita pepo include the summer squashes and a few autumn squashes.

Bathetic: effusively or insincerely emotional.

Pulpy: like a pulp or overripe; not having stiffness.

Gentleness: acting in a manner that is gentle and mild and even-tempered.
