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مُشتَرک سرحد والا : Mushtarak Sarhad Wala Meaning in English

Mushtarak Sarhad Wala in Detail

1) ہم وسعت برابر پھیلاوٴ والے برابر : Coextensive Conterminous Coterminous : (satellite adjective) being of equal extent or scope or duration.


Useful Words

تسلسل : Continuance : the period of time during which something continues.

ہم مرتبہ : Compeer : a person who is of equal standing with another in a group. "She is more intelligent then her peer".

حد : Extent : the point or degree to which something extends. "To this extent".

حلقہ : Ambit : an area in which something acts or operates or has power or control:. "The range of a new fighter jet".

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