Pansa Palat DenaJarasim Zada KarnaMutasirkarnaAsar Andaz HonaChor DenaGhair Mazhabi B...Deenvi BananaLay JanaNaqsha Badal DenaAlkohal Mein Ba...TarashnaShakal DenaMurnaMuraba BananaSharab Kay Nash...Ho GayaHo JanaMawafiq BannaDobara Muratab ...Kam Karna

نقشہ بدل دینا : Naqsha Badal Dena Meaning in English

Naqsha Badal Dena in Detail

1) پانسہ پلٹ دینا نقشہ بدل دینا : Turn The Tables Turn The Tide : (verb) cause a complete reversal of the circumstances.


Useful Words

قائل کرنا : Cause : cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner. "The induced me for fake collision to obtain money fraudulently from insurance companies".

صورت حال : Circumstance : a condition that accompanies or influences some event or activity.

ختم کرنا : Complete : come or bring to a finish or an end. "He finished the dishes".

مخالف : Reversal : a change from one state to the opposite state. "There was a reversal of autonomic function".

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