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نَظَریہ سیٹ : Nazriya Set Meaning in English

Nazriya Set in Detail

1) نظریہ مجموع ریاضی نظریہ سیٹ : Set Theory : (noun) the branch of pure mathematics that deals with the nature and relations of sets.


Useful Words

شاخہ بندی کرنا : Branch : grow and send out branches or branch-like structures. "These plants ramify early and get to be very large".

لین دین : Business Deal : a particular instance of buying or selling. "It`s not a big deal".

عادت : Nature : the complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person`s characteristic actions and reactions. "He is bound to his nature".

خالص : Pure : free of extraneous elements of any kind. "Pure air and water".

تعلق : Relation : an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together.

رکھنا : Lay : put into a certain place or abstract location. "Where do I put it ?".

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