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Opposite Word meaning in Urdu

Opposite Word Synonyms

Opposite Word Definitions

1) Opposite Word, Antonym, Opposite : لفظ جو دوسرے لفظ کی ضد ہو : (noun) a word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are antonyms of each other.


Useful Words

Agglutinative : الفاظ سے ماخوذ , Homonymy : لفظوں کا ہم ہجہ ہونا , Synonymous : ہم معنی , Acceptation : تسلیم شدہ مطلب , Define : معنی واضع کرنا , Logomachy : لفظوں کے متعلق بحث , 831 : مجھے تم سے محبت ہے , Literal : لفظی , Intensifier : شدت کا حامل , Definition : وضاحت , Homograph : ہم آواز لفظ , Lexical Meaning : لفظی معنی , Forsooth : درحقیقت , Adjunct : تفسیری , Homophone : ہم ہجہ الفاظ , Sense : فہم , Punctuation : وقف , Agglutination : الفاظ سازی , Adjective : صفت , Apprehend : سمجھ لینا , Purposeful : معنی دار , Ambiguous : ذو معنی , Meaningful : معنی خیز , Diametric : تضاد , Meaningless : بے معنی , Understand : سمجھنا , Intent : مفہوم , Semanticist : ماہر علم المعانی , Cabalistic : مخفی , Pithy : مختصر اور جامع , Bunk : بکواس

Useful Words Definitions

Agglutinative: forming derivative or compound words by putting together constituents each of which expresses a single definite meaning.

Homonymy: the relation between two words that are spelled the same way but differ in meaning or the relation between two words that are pronounced the same way but differ in meaning.

Synonymous: (of words) meaning the same or nearly the same.

Acceptation: the accepted meaning of a word.

Define: give a definition for the meaning of a word.

Logomachy: argument about words or the meaning of words.

831: I Love You (8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning).

Literal: limited to the explicit meaning of a word or text.

Intensifier: a modifier that has little meaning except to intensify the meaning it modifies.

Definition: a concise explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase or symbol.

Homograph: two words are homographs if they are spelled the same way but differ in meaning (e.g. fair).

Lexical Meaning: the meaning of a content word that depends on the nonlinguistic concepts it is used to express.

Forsooth: an archaic word originally meaning `in truth' but now usually used to express disbelief.

Adjunct: a construction that can be used to extend the meaning of a word or phrase but is not one of the main constituents of a sentence.

Homophone: two words are homophones if they are pronounced the same way but differ in meaning or spelling or both (e.g. bare and bear).

Sense: the meaning of a word or expression; the way in which a word or expression or situation can be interpreted.

Punctuation: the marks used to clarify meaning by indicating separation of words into sentences and clauses and phrases.

Agglutination: the building of words from component morphemes that retain their form and meaning in the process of combining.

Adjective: a word that expresses an attribute of something.

Apprehend: get the meaning of something.

Purposeful: having meaning through having an aim.

Ambiguous: having more than one possible meaning.

Meaningful: having a meaning or purpose.

Diametric: characterized by opposite extremes; completely opposed.

Meaningless: having no meaning or direction or purpose.

Understand: know and comprehend the nature or meaning of.

Intent: the intended meaning of a communication.

Semanticist: a specialist in the study of meaning.

Cabalistic: having a secret or hidden meaning.

Pithy: concise and full of meaning.

Bunk: a message that seems to convey no meaning.

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Word : لفظ

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