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پیمانہ : Pemana Meaning in English

Pemana in Detail

1 of 3) پیمانہ : Quart : (noun) a United States liquid unit equal to 32 fluid ounces; four quarts equal one gallon.


2 of 3) پیمانہ : Scale : (noun) relative magnitude.

3 of 3) ناپ پیمانہ : Measure : (noun) a container of some standard capacity that is used to obtain fixed amounts of a substance.

Useful Words

بتیس : 32 : being two more than thirty. "32 million dollar".

ہم مرتبہ : Compeer : a person who is of equal standing with another in a group. "She is more intelligent then her peer".

دگرگوں : Fluid : subject to change; variable. "A fluid situation fraught with uncertainty".

چار : 4 : being one more than three.

گیلن : Congius : a British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 4 quarts or 4.545 liters.

رقیق مائع : Liquid : a substance that is liquid at room temperature and pressure.

وسعت : Magnitude : the property of relative size or extent (whether large or small). "They tried to predict the magnitude of the explosion".

ایک : 1 : used of a single unit or thing; not two or more. "`ane` is Scottish".

نسبتاً : Comparative : estimated by comparison; not absolute or complete. "A relative stranger".

حالت : State : the way something is with respect to its main attributes. "Overthinking ruined his mental state".

اکائی : Unit : any division of quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange. "The dollar is the United States unit of currency".

متحدہ : United : characterized by unity; being or joined into a single entity. "Presented a united front".
