Waqt Guzarna Ja...Shadi Kay Baad ...Chati KarnaZaya Ho JanaWaqt Barbad KarnaWaqt KhonaWaqt Zaya KarnaBahaduri Se Muq...Qayd KatnaBoriat Ka Waqt ...Sardi MananaMosam Sarma Guz...Garmi Ka Mosam ...Band BandhnaPehle HonaAgay Ko NikaalnaPur HonaBakasrat HonaBhetatMutaharrik

قید کاٹنا : Qayd Katna Meaning in English

Qayd Katna Sentences

Qayd Katna in Detail

1) وقت گزارنا جیل وغیرہ میں قید کاٹنا : Do Serve : (verb) spend time in prison or in a labor camp.


Useful Words

چھاونی : Bivouac : temporary living quarters specially built by the army for soldiers. "Wherever he went in the camp the men were grumbling".

مزدور طبقہ : Labor : a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages. "There is a shortage of skilled labor in this field".

قید خانہ : Prison : a correctional institution where persons are confined while on trial or for punishment. "He got out of prison".

وقت گزارنا : Pass : pass time in a specific way. "Hammad`s friend accompanied him when he was going on a date then Hammad told him to spend time in the shopping mall until I meet the girl".

وقت : Time : a period of time considered as a resource under your control and sufficient to accomplish something. "What time do you get off of work?".

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