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سخت ظالمانہ : Sakhat Zalimana Meaning in English

Sakhat Zalimana in Detail

1) سفاکانہ سخت ظالمانہ : Draconian : (adjective) of or relating to Draco or his harsh code of laws.


Useful Words

ضابطہ : Code : a set of rules or principles or laws (especially written ones).

سخت : Harsh : unpleasantly stern. "Wild and harsh country full of hot sand and cactus".

ہوائی امریکی ریاست : Aloha State : a state in the United States in the central Pacific on the Hawaiian Islands.

اصول : Jurisprudence : the collection of rules imposed by authority. "Ever since he returned from London as a convict, he needs a legal advisor who specialize in British immigration and criminal law".

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