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Seaweed meaning in Urdu

Seaweed Definitions

1) Seaweed : سمندری جھاڑ : (noun) plant growing in the sea, especially marine algae.


Useful Words

Genus Houttuynia : ہتونیا پودا , Carpobrotus Edulis : انجیر جیسا پھل , Lima Bean : پھلی کا پودا , Pickerel Weed : کم گہرے پانی میں اگنے والا پودا جس کے پھول نیلے ہوتے ہیں , Mesophyte : میان پودا , Bellis Perennis : سفید سورج مکھی , Sedge : ایک قسم کا پودا , Blueberry : توت , Stalk : تنا , Algology : اشنیات , Pond Scum : کائی , Cutting : پودے کی قلم , Aerophyte : ذیلی پودہ , Axis : تنا , Chrysophyceae : کائی , Heartrot : پودوں کی بیماری , Agar : جیلی بنانے والا , Ostiole : سوراخ , Spirogyra : مرغولی کائی , Division Heterokontophyta : کائی , Heterotrichales : پیلی سبز کائی , Homoptera : پودوں کی کیڑے , Ridley : سمندری کچھوا , Common Limpet : سمندری گھونگا , Genus Hermissenda : سمندری کیڑا , Seashell : سیپی , Minesweeping : بارودی سرنگوں کی صفائی کا عمل , Atlantic Moonfish : چندا مچھلی , Maiger : ایک قسم کی مچھلی , Minelayer : سرنگ بچھانے والا جہاز , Ageing : بوڑھا

Useful Words Definitions

Genus Houttuynia: one species; east Asian low-growing plant of wet places.

Carpobrotus Edulis: low-growing South African succulent plant having a capsular fruit containing edible pulp.

Lima Bean: bush or tall-growing bean plant having large flat edible seeds.

Pickerel Weed: American plant having spikes of blue flowers and growing in shallow water of streams and ponds.

Mesophyte: land plant growing in surroundings having an average supply of water; compare xerophyte and hydrophyte.

Bellis Perennis: low-growing Eurasian plant with yellow central disc flowers and pinkish-white outer ray flowers.

Sedge: grasslike or rushlike plant growing in wet places having solid stems, narrow grasslike leaves and spikelets of inconspicuous flowers.

Blueberry: sweet edible dark-blue berries of either low-growing or high-growing blueberry plants.

Stalk: a slender or elongated structure that supports a plant or fungus or a plant part or plant organ.

Algology: the branch of botany that studies algae.

Pond Scum: free-floating freshwater green algae.

Cutting: a part (sometimes a root or leaf or bud) removed from a plant to propagate a new plant through rooting or grafting.

Aerophyte: plant that derives moisture and nutrients from the air and rain; usually grows on another plant but not parasitic on it.

Axis: the main stem or central part about which plant organs or plant parts such as branches are arranged.

Chrysophyceae: all the yellow-green algae having flagella of unequal length.

Heartrot: any plant disease in which the central part of a plant rots (especially in trees).

Agar: a colloidal extract of algae; used especially in culture media and as a gelling agent in foods.

Ostiole: a small pore especially one in the reproductive bodies of certain algae and fungi through which spores pass.

Spirogyra: freshwater algae consisting of minute filaments containing spiral chlorophyll bands.

Division Heterokontophyta: algae having chlorophyll a and usually c, and flagella of unequal lengths; terminology supersedes Chrysophyta in some classifications.

Heterotrichales: yellow-green algae with simple or branching filaments; comprising the single family Tribonemaceae.

Homoptera: plant lice (aphids); whiteflies; cicadas; leafhoppers; plant hoppers; scale insects and mealybugs; spittle insects.

Ridley: a marine turtle.

Common Limpet: marine limpet.

Genus Hermissenda: genus of marine sea slugs.

Seashell: the shell of a marine organism.

Minesweeping: the activity of detecting and disposing of marine mines.

Atlantic Moonfish: any of several silvery marine fishes with very flat bodies.

Maiger: large European marine food fish.

Minelayer: ship equipped for laying marine mines.

Ageing: growing old.

Related Words

Alga : رنگ برنگی سمندری حیات

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