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سینے والا : Siny Wala Meaning in English

Siny Wala in Detail

1) پیوست کرنے والا سینے والا : Baster Tacker : (noun) a sewer who fastens a garment with long loose stitches.


Useful Words

جمانا : Fasten : cause to be firmly attached. "Fasten the lock onto the door".

لباس فراہم کرنا : Apparel : provide with clothes or put clothes on. "Parents must feed and dress their child".

تڑپنا : Hanker : desire strongly or persistently. "He was longing to see you".

ڈھیلا ڈھالا : Loose : not tight; not closely constrained or constricted or constricting. "Loose clothing".

گندے پانی کا نالہ : Cloaca : a waste pipe that carries away sewage or surface water. "Clean the cloaca".

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