Gharni Dar JutayTafreehe Park M...Skating Ka Phea...XrayJhulay Wali KursiJhulnay Wali KursiBagh E Kohis...Chatani Elaqy K...Skating JutayBelan Par Chrha...Film RolBelanRail Ki Patri...Bachoun Ki Upri...Makan Ki Chat P...Chat Daalnay Ka...Chat Mein Estam...Rail Gari Mein ...Parindon Kay Ba...Parindon Ka Darba

اسکیٹِنگ جُوتے : Skating Jutay Meaning in English

Skating Jutay in Detail

1) گھرنی دار جوتے اسکیٹنگ جوتے : Roller Skate : (noun) a shoe with pairs of rollers fixed to the sole.


Useful Words

سخت : Fixed : fixed and unmoving. "With eyes set in a fixed glassy stare".

جوڑا بنانا : Couple : form a pair or pairs. "The two old friends paired off".

برابر کرنے والی مشین : Roller : a grounder that rolls along the infield.

جوتا : Shoe : footwear shaped to fit the foot (below the ankle) with a flexible upper of leather or plastic and a sole and heel of heavier material. "Put yourself in other`s shoes".

بلا شرکت : Exclusive : not divided or shared with others. "They have exclusive use of the machine".

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