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تنگ خیال : Tang Khayal Meaning in English

Tang Khayal Sentence

Tang Khayal in Detail

1) تنگ دل تنگ نظر تنگ خیال : Illiberal Intolerant : (satellite adjective) narrow-minded about cherished opinions.


Useful Words

متحرک : About : on the move. "Up and about".

عزیز : Cherished : characterized by feeling or showing fond affection for. "A cherished friend".

ذہن رجحان : Minded : (used in combination) mentally oriented toward something specified. "Civic-minded".

جو چوڑا نہ ہو : Narrow : not wide. "He looted and got out of the narrow alley and the police kept chasing him on their mobile".

خیال : Opinion : a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty. "Your opinion differs from mine".

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