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Trusty meaning in Urdu

Trusty Synonym

Trusty Definitions

1 of 2) Trusty : جس پر اعتماد کیا جا سکے : (noun) a convict who is considered trustworthy and granted special privileges.


2 of 2) Trusty, Trustworthy : اعتماد کے قابل : (adjective) worthy of trust or belief.

Useful Words

Believability : اعتبار , Brick : مخلص ساتھی , Privileged : مقدم , Homestead Law : گھر کے باہر کی جگہ کا قانون , Reciprocity : مقابلہ , Bill Of Rights : حقوق نامہ , Given : مفروضہ , Assumption : مفروضہ , Assumption : اندازہ , Entitlement : حقداری , Weight : اہمیت , Allowance : وظیفہ , Beg : جواب گول کرنا , Patent Right : پیٹنٹ حق , Naturalisation : شہریت دینے کا عمل , Compensatory Time : رعائیتی چھٹی , Compassionate Leave : موت یا بیماری کی وجہ سے دی جانے والی چھٹی , Holy Year : مقدس سال , Attainder : تمام شہری حقوق سے محروم شخص , Adoption : گود لینے کا عمل , Enfranchisement : حق دینے کا عمل , Bent : کچھ کرنے کا خاص طریقہ , Darling : عزیز , Bear Down : خاص توجہ دینا , Procure : حاصل کرنا , Case : صورت , Sas : خاص ہوائی سروس , Especially : خصوصی , Breed : قسم , Biochemist : جاندار اشیا کی کیمیا کا ماہر , Focus : زور

Useful Words Definitions

Believability: the quality of being believable or trustworthy.

Brick: a good fellow; helpful and trustworthy.

Privileged: blessed with privileges.

Homestead Law: a law conferring privileges on owners of homesteads.

Reciprocity: mutual exchange of commercial or other privileges.

Bill Of Rights: a statement of fundamental rights and privileges (especially the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution).

Given: an assumption that is taken for granted.

Assumption: a hypothesis that is taken for granted.

Assumption: the act of assuming or taking for granted.

Entitlement: right granted by law or contract (especially a right to benefits).

Weight: the relative importance granted to something.

Allowance: an amount allowed or granted (as during a given period).

Beg: dodge, avoid answering, or take for granted.

Patent Right: the right granted by a patent; especially the exclusive right to an invention.

Naturalisation: the proceeding whereby a foreigner is granted citizenship.

Compensatory Time: time off that is granted to a worker as compensation for working overtime.

Compassionate Leave: (military) leave granted in an emergency such as family sickness or death.

Holy Year: (Roman Catholic Church) a period of remission from sin (usually granted every 25 years).

Attainder: the legal status of a person who is alive but who has been deprived of the rights and privileges of a citizen or a member of society; the legal status of one sentenced to life imprisonment.

Adoption: a legal proceeding that creates a parent-child relation between persons not related by blood; the adopted child is entitled to all privileges belonging to a natural child of the adoptive parents (including the right to inherit).

Enfranchisement: a statutory right or privilege granted to a person or group by a government (especially the rights of citizenship and the right to vote).

Bent: a special way of doing something.

Darling: a special loved one.

Bear Down: pay special attention to.

Procure: get by special effort.

Case: a special set of circumstances.

Sas: Special Air Service.

Especially: in a special manner.

Breed: a special type.

Biochemist: someone with special training in biochemistry.

Focus: special emphasis attached to something.

Related Words

Con : سزایافتہ قیدی , Dependable : پختہ , Honest : ایماندار , Responsible : ذمہ دارانہ , Authentic : صحیح , Creditworthy : معتبر , Dependable : کھرا , Sure : معتبر

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