Untalees ArteeswanArteesSenteeswanSentees ChateeswanChateesPanteeswanUntaleeswanTeen Jehti Radar Armeni Askari T...Char Jehti Char Kimia Chalis Char SawanChar Sau Ek BimaChaleeswanIktalees IktaleeswanBialees

انتالیسواں : Untaleeswan Meaning in English

Untaleeswan in Detail

1) انتالیسواں : 39th Thirty-Ninth : (satellite adjective) the ordinal number of thirty-nine in counting order.


Useful Words

گنتی : Count : the act of counting; reciting numbers in ascending order. "He is counting money".

نو : 9 : denoting a quantity consisting of one more than eight and one less than ten.

فون نمبر : Number : the number is used in calling a particular telephone. "Telephone number was wrong".

حکم دینا : Enjoin : give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority. "I said to him to go home".

تیس : 30 : being ten more than twenty.
