Jis Ka Difa Na ...Bala JawaazJawaaz Kay QabilNaqabil MazratNaqabil MafiSageraQabil E HarjanaQabil E TalaafiWaldain Se MutaliqAulad Ko Zeeb D...DukhtranaBeti Ki TarhaBaghair Mafad KayKisi Ghrz Kay B...Ghair JanabdarBe TasabQabil GuzarJahaaz Rani Kay...Qabil E Guft O ...Naqabil Guzar

والدين سے مُتعلق : Waldain Se Mutaliq Meaning in English

Waldain Se Mutaliq in Detail

1) مادری والدين سے متعلق : Maternal Parental Paternal : (adjective) relating to or characteristic of or befitting a parent.


Useful Words

موزوں : Befitting : appropriate to. "Behavior befitting a father".

خصوصیت : Characteristic : feature commonly denotes a standout or unique attribute, trait, or property of a subject or individual. It may also point to a particular component or facet within a broader context, like a landscape feature, a cinematic feature film, or a magazine feature article. Features often serve as noteworthy, meaningful, or defining characteristics in the subject under consideration. "Whatsapp added new features last week".

پرورش کرنا : Bring Up : bring up. "Raise a family".

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