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Wall St. meaning in Urdu

Wall St. Synonym

Wall St. Definitions

1) Wall St., Wall Street : نیویارک شہر میں واقع ایک گلی : (noun) a street in lower Manhattan where the New York Stock Exchange is located; symbol of American finance.


Useful Words

Dado : تختوں کا حاشیہ , Console : دیوار سے جوڑی میز , Broadway : بڑی سڑک , Cross Street : وہ گلی جو دوسری گلی سے گزرے , Boat Basin : بوٹ بیسن , Brick In : اینٹوں سے دیوار اٹھانا , Abdominal Wall : پیٹ کا پٹھہ , Wall In : دیوار کے ساتھ کرنا , Fence : چار دیواری , Cuticula : خول , Capstone : منڈیر , Mortar : گارا , Chink : دراڑ , Parapet : منڈیر , Gate : پھاٹک , Oriel : فن تعمیر , Bracket : دیوار کا سہارا , Divan : لمبا تخت , Plaster : پلستر کاری , Rathole : دیوار میں چوہے کا بنایا ہوا سراخ , Myometrium : یوٹرس کی دبیز عضلاتی دیوار , Petard : بارودی آلہ , Urinal : مردوں کی پیشاب گاہ , Buttress : پشتہ , Party Wall : مشترک دیوار , Fresco : پلستر کی ہوئی دیوار پر نقش بنانا , Cranny : شگاف , Gable : دیوار کا تکونی حصہ , Fireplace : آتش دان , Abruptio Placentae : حمل کی خرابی , Wall Plate : دیواری داسہ

Useful Words Definitions

Dado: panel forming the lower part of an interior wall when it is finished differently from the rest of the wall.

Console: a small table fixed to a wall or designed to stand against a wall.

Broadway: a street in Manhattan that passes through Times Square; famous for its theaters.

Cross Street: a street intersecting a main street (usually at right angles) and continuing on both sides of it.

Boat Basin: Famous food street located in Clifton Karachi.

Brick In: wall up with brick.

Abdominal Wall: a wall of the abdomen.

Wall In: enclose with a wall.

Fence: surround with a wall in order to fortify.

Cuticula: the outer body wall of an insect.

Capstone: a stone that forms the top of wall or building.

Mortar: used as a bond in masonry or for covering a wall.

Chink: a narrow opening as e.g. between planks in a wall.

Parapet: a low wall along the edge of a roof or balcony.

Gate: a movable barrier in a fence or wall.

Oriel: a projecting bay window corbeled or cantilevered out from a wall.

Bracket: a support projecting from a wall (as to hold a shelf).

Divan: a long backless sofa (usually with pillows against a wall).

Plaster: a surface of hardened plaster (as on a wall or ceiling).

Rathole: a hole (as in the wall of a building) made by rats.

Myometrium: the smooth muscle forming the wall of the uterus.

Petard: an explosive device used to break down a gate or wall.

Urinal: a plumbing fixture (usually attached to the wall) used by men to urinate.

Buttress: a support usually of stone or brick; supports the wall of a building.

Party Wall: a wall erected on the line between two properties and shared by both owners.

Fresco: a durable method of painting on a wall by using watercolors on wet plaster.

Cranny: a small opening or crevice (especially in a rock face or wall).

Gable: the vertical triangular wall between the sloping ends of gable roof.

Fireplace: an open recess in a wall at the base of a chimney where a fire can be built.

Abruptio Placentae: a disorder of pregnancy in which the placenta prematurely separates from the wall of the uterus.

Wall Plate: plate (a timber along the top of a wall) to support the ends of joists, etc., and distribute the load.

Related Words

Street : گلی

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