آسٹریلیا کا ساحل : Australia Ka Sahil Meaning in English
Australia Ka Sahil in Detail
1) آسٹریلیا کا ساحل : Adelie Coast Adelie Land Terre Adelie : (noun) a costal region of Antarctica to the south of Australia; noted for its large colonies of penguins.
Useful Words
آسٹریلیا : Australia : a nation occupying the whole of the Australian continent; Aboriginal tribes are thought to have migrated from southeastern Asia 20,000 years ago; first Europeans were British convicts sent there as a penal colony. "Had to go Australia".
بستی : Colony : a body of people who settle far from home but maintain ties with their homeland; inhabitants remain nationals of their home state but are not literally under the home state`s system of government. "The American colony in London".
پسلی کا : Costal : of or relating to or near a rib.
یہ : It : Used of a nonhuman entity. "It is out of the question".
وسیع : Big : above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent. "I don`t have such a big job".
معروف : Celebrated : widely known and esteemed. "A famous actor".
بحری جانور : Penguin : short-legged flightless birds of cold southern especially Antarctic regions having webbed feet and wings modified as flippers.
علاقہ : Part : the extended spatial location of something. "The farming regions of France".
جنوب کی طرف : In The South : in a southern direction. "We moved south".