Jis Par Qabu Na...Qabil E Taskhee...Qabil UboorQabil FatahToseeq KarTaediTasdeqiTusiqiDang HairanHairat ZadhaUbhri Hui Ankho...Hairat Ki BaatFori Khatra Ya ...Mutasir Honay WalaQail Honay WalaRagib Honay Kay...Jawab Dene WalaQabil E TajwezLubhanay Kay Laiq

دنگ : Dang Meaning in English

Dang Synonyms


Dang in Detail

1 of 2) دنگ حیران حیرت زدہ : Amazed Astonied Astonished Astounded Stunned : (satellite adjective) filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock.

2 of 2) حیران و پریشان حیرت زدہ دنگ : Aghast Appalled Dismayed Shocked : (satellite adjective) struck with fear, dread, or consternation.

Useful Words

خطرے کی اطلاع پر خوف : Alarm : fear resulting from the awareness of danger.

جذباتی : Emotional : determined or actuated by emotion rather than reason. "She doesn`t like him anymore because he is just an emotional wuss".

جسم کی دوسرے جسم سے ٹکر : Impact : the striking of one body against another. "My car was parked but you hit my car from the back as impacts are so visible".

انتہائی : Consuming : very intense. "Overwhelming joy".

صدمہ پہنچانا : Shock : strike with horror or terror. "The incident of nine eleven shocked the world".

کرکنوں کی ہڑتال کے باعث بند : Smitten : (used in combination) affected by something overwhelming. "Conscience-smitten".

حیرت میں ڈال دینا : Surprise : cause to be surprised. "The news really surprised me".

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