Takleef Dena Musibat Zadha Likha Huwa Isht...Tasheri Shuba Mukhalif Mulhiqa Fail E Tabe Jesa Fail E Tabe Wala Tabe Fail Dard Ka Ehsas Aaini IkhtiyarMashwara Dene W...Intabaha Mushawarati CametiMushawarati Khi...Ikhtiyar E Namz...Jarjia Ka Suba Amreki Juhari A...Nabatati Zang S...Nabatati Zang K...Nabatati Zang

درد کا احساس : Dard Ka Ehsas Meaning in English

Dard Ka Ehsas Sentences

Dard Ka Ehsas in Detail

1) درد کا احساس : Pain Pain Sensation Painful Sensation : (noun) a somatic sensation of acute discomfort.


Useful Words

شدت سے ہونے والا : Acute : having or experiencing a rapid onset and short but severe course. "Acute appendicitis".

پریشانی : Discomfort : the state of being tense and feeling pain.

احساس : Aesthesis : an unelaborated elementary awareness of stimulation. "A sensation of touch".

جسمانی : Bodily : affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit. "Corporal punishment".

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