غیر یقینی : Ghair Yaqeeni Meaning in English
Ghair Yaqeeni Synonyms
Ghair Yaqeeni in Detail
1 of 5) غیر یقینی : Chanceful Chancy Dicey Dodgy : (satellite adjective) of uncertain outcome; especially fraught with risk.
2 of 5) غیر یقینی : Agnostic Agnostical : (adjective) uncertain of all claims to knowledge.
4 of 5) غیر یقینی : Changeable Uncertain Unsettled : (satellite adjective) subject to change.
5 of 5) غیر یقینی : Contingent : (satellite adjective) uncertain because of uncontrollable circumstances.
Useful Words
خاص طور پر : Especially : to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common. "He was particularly fussy about spelling".
معنی خیز : Fraught : filled with or attended with. "Words fraught with meaning".
نتیجہ : Final Result : something that results. "A bad deed has a bad result".
خطرہ : Lay On The Line : expose to a chance of loss or damage. "We risked losing a lot of money in this venture".
مذبذب : Incertain : lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance. "Uncertain of his convictions".