ہَوا روک کر خشک کیا ہوا : Hawa Rok Kar Khushk Kia Huwa Meaning in English
Hawa Rok Kar Khushk Kia Huwa in Detail
1) ہوا روک کر خشک کیا ہوا : Air-Dry : (satellite adjective) not giving off moisture on exposure to the air.
Useful Words
ہوا : Air : a mixture of gases (especially oxygen) required for breathing; the stuff that the wind consists of. "Get fresh air out side".
انکشاف : Exposure : the disclosure of something secret. "They feared exposure of their campaign plans".
دینے کا عمل : Gift : the act of giving.
نمی : Moisture : wetness caused by water. "Drops of wet gleamed on the window".
نہیں : Non : negation of a word or group of words. "Will not go like that".
بند : Off : not in operation or operational. "The oven is off".