Huwa Bhray Paay Pizza HutFazaiya Ka AfsarFizai TahaffuzAmreki Fizai Fa...Huwa Thandi Kar...Hawa Sukernay WalaPhaipray Ki Theli Huwa Bahra Sahara Huwa Bahra Takia Fazaiya Amreki Fazaiya Fizai Darsgha Huwa Bazoun Ka ...AqiqahGajar Ka HalwaHawai Hathori Huwa Ka Kam Dbao Surakh Hawai Baja

ہوا بھرا سہارا : Huwa Bahra Sahara Meaning in English

Huwa Bahra Sahara in Detail

1) ہوا بھرا سہارا : Air Cushion Air Spring : (noun) a mechanical device using confined air to absorb the shock of motion.


Useful Words

جزب کرنا : Absorb : become imbued. "The liquids, light, and gases absorb".

ہوا دار بنانا : Aerate : expose to fresh air. "Aerate your old sneakers".

محدود : Confined : not free to move about.

آلہ : Device : an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose. "The device is small enough to wear on your wrist".

مشینری : Mechanical : using (or as if using) mechanisms or tools or devices. "A mechanical process".

اشارہ کرنا : Gesticulate : show, express or direct through movement. "He gestured his desire to leave".

صدمہ پہنچانا : Shock : strike with horror or terror. "The incident of nine eleven shocked the world".

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