Huwa Bahra Sahara Huwa Bhray Paay Pizza HutFazaiya Ka AfsarFizai TahaffuzAmreki Fizai Fa...Huwa Thandi Kar...Hawa Sukernay WalaHuwa Bahra Takia Fazaiya Amreki Fazaiya Fizai Darsgha Huwa Bazoun Ka ...AqiqahGajar Ka HalwaHawai Hathori Huwa Ka Kam Dbao Surakh Hawai Baja Huwa Khynchna

ہوا بھرا تکیہ : Huwa Bahra Takia Meaning in English

Huwa Bahra Takia in Detail

1) ہوا بھرا تکیہ : Air Cushion Inflatable Cushion : (noun) a cushion usually made of rubber or plastic that can be inflated.


Useful Words

برطرف کرنا : Can : terminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position. "The boss fired his secretary today".

اثر سے بچانا : Buffer : protect from impact. "Cushion the blow".

نمائشی : High-Flown : pretentious (especially with regard to language or ideals). "High-flown talk of preserving the moral tone of the school".

بنایا ہوا : Made : produced by a manufacturing process. "Bought some made goods at the local store; rope and nails".

سانچے میں ڈھلنے کے لائق : Fictile : capable of being molded or modeled (especially of earth or clay or other soft material). "Plastic substances such as wax or clay".

خام ربڑ : Caoutchouc : an elastic material obtained from the latex sap of trees (especially trees of the genera Hevea and Ficus) that can be vulcanized and finished into a variety of products.

عام طور پر : Commonly : under normal conditions. "Usually she was late".

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