کام کرنا : Kam Karna Meaning in English
Kam Karna Sentences
Work done or not ?
کام ہوا یا نہیں ؟
Get this work done
یہ کام کروا دو
You spoiled all the work
تم نے پورے کام کا بیڑاغرق کردیا
Kam Karna Synonyms
Kam Karna in Detail
4 of 5) کام کرنا کام آنا : Act Work : (verb) have an effect or outcome; often the one desired or expected.
Useful Words
دعوی کرنا : Action : institute legal proceedings against; file a suit against. "He was warned that the district attorney would process him".
دور : Out : away from home. "Get out from there".
کرنا : Do : carry out or perform an action. "I did it in a flash".
کام : Work : activity directed toward making or doing something. "Work done or not?".