خاردار : Khardar Meaning in English
Khardar Synonyms
Khardar in Detail
1 of 4) خاردار کانٹے دار : Barbed Barbellate Briary Briery Bristled Bristly Burred Burry Prickly Setaceous Setose Spiny Thorny : (satellite adjective) having or covered with protective barbs or quills or spines or thorns or setae etc.
2 of 4) خاردار کانٹے دار : Aciculate : (adjective) related to plants or animals or crystals having aciculae or needlelike parts.
Useful Words
خاردار بنانا : Barb : provide with barbs. "Barbed wire".
ملفوف : Covered : overlaid or spread or topped with or enclosed within something; sometimes used as a combining form. "Women with covered faces".
حفاظتی : Protective : intended or adapted to afford protection of some kind. "A protective covering".
پر کا قلم : Quill : pen made from a bird`s feather. "Quill of peacock".
کمر : Back : the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord. "The fall broke his back".
چبھنے والا : Irritant : something that causes irritation and annoyance. "He's a thorn in my flesh".