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سانس لینے کا عمل : Sans Lenay Ka Amal Meaning in English

Sans Lenay Ka Amal in Detail

1 of 2) سانس لینے کا عمل : Air-Breathing : (adjective) deriving oxygen from the air.


2 of 2) سانس لینے کا عمل : Respiration : (noun) a single complete act of breathing in and out.

Useful Words

کام : Act : something that people do or cause to happen. "Whose act is this?".

ہوا دار بنانا : Aerate : expose to fresh air. "Aerate your old sneakers".

تنفس : Breathing : the bodily process of inhalation and exhalation; the process of taking in oxygen from inhaled air and releasing carbon dioxide by exhalation.

کامل : Complete : having every necessary or normal part or component or step. "A complete meal".

دور : Out : away from home. "Get out from there".

کنوارہ : Single : not married or related to the unmarried state. "I am single".

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