MustanadMawafiqSaz GarAwaz Ki Raftar ...Zair SutiAwaz Ki Raftaro...Sadai Leharoun KaAn SunaTaslem Shuda Ejazat YaftaManzoor ShudaMuqadasGhair MustanadNajaizBe SanadKhud Tay KardaGhair MusaddiqaGhair MutabarGhair Sanad YaftaAaini

تسلیم شدہ : Taslem Shuda Meaning in English

Taslem Shuda Sentences

Taslem Shuda Synonyms


Taslem Shuda in Detail

1 of 3) مانا ہوا تسلیم شدہ : Constituted Established : (adjective) brought about or set up or accepted; especially long established.

2 of 3) منظور شدہ تسلیم شدہ : Acknowledged : (adjective) recognized or made known or admitted.

3 of 3) تسلیم شدہ مامور اجازت یافتہ : Accredited Commissioned Licenced Licensed : (satellite adjective) given official approval to act.

Useful Words

تقریباً : About : (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct. "My clothes were not ironed due to lack of electricity I will be there by eight o`clock approximately".

مانا ہوا : Accepted : generally approved or compelling recognition. "Several accepted techniques for treating the condition".

خاص طور پر : Especially : to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common. "He was particularly fussy about spelling".

مسلمہ : Accomplished : settled securely and unconditionally. "Smoking causes health problems is an accomplished fact".

تڑپنا : Hanker : desire strongly or persistently. "He was longing to see you".

بنایا ہوا : Made : produced by a manufacturing process. "Bought some made goods at the local store; rope and nails".

رکھنا : Lay : put into a certain place or abstract location. "Where do I put it ?".

بستر سے اٹھنا : Astir : out of bed. "Are they astir yet?".

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